Together we rotThere is something incredibly romantic about the thought of decomposing together:Jan 3, 2023Jan 3, 2023
Another 13(In 2017, I wrote a flash fiction entitled ‘Rendezvous’. This may be a continuation of that)Dec 5, 2022Dec 5, 2022
With the breezeAnother love letter to the ocean. It’s safe to say that I am homesick — I miss my home, 25m deep underwater.Nov 14, 2022Nov 14, 2022
In the early 2000s, I was a teenage lyricist who writes gloomy songs with ridiculously long titles…I gaze up at the white plastic lights — The pasty walls start dripping on my Wrists are numbing but my legs Are crumbling into a jar of…May 18, 2022May 18, 2022
My therapist told me to journal my emotions. I refused.This head is full of past trauma and never-ending anxiety. It’s almost like I expect everyone, and I mean, everyone, to disappoint me…Mar 16, 20221Mar 16, 20221
Welcome to Interstate Arms. You are safe now. (1)Welcome to Interstate Arms, where the sun never comes up and city lights are your only source of warmth.Jan 27, 2022Jan 27, 2022